In my opinion it is less shameful for a king to be overcome by force of arms than by bribery.
SALLUSTAll those who offer an opinion on any doubtful point should first clear their minds of every sentiment of dislike, friendship, anger or pity.
More Sallust Quotes
The Romans assisted their allies and friends, and acquired friendships by giving rather than receiving kindness.
Poor Britons, there is some good in them after all – they produced an oyster.
It is impossible that there should be so much providence in the last details, and none in the first principles. Then the arts of prophecy and of healing, which are part of the cosmos, come of the good providence of the Gods.
The glory of ancestors sheds a light around posterity; it allows neither good nor bad qualities to remain in obscurity.
By the wicked the good conduct of others is always dreaded.
Kings are more prone to mistrust the good than the bad; and they are always afraid of the virtues of others.
All men who would surpass the other animals should do their best not to pass through life silently like the beasts whom nature made prone, obedient to their bellies.
Fame is the shadow of passion standing in the light.
In battle it is the cowards who run the most risk; bravery is a rampart of defense.
The soul is the captain and ruler of the life of morals.
The fame that goes with wealth and beauty is fleeting and fragile; intellectual superiority is a possession glorious and eternal.
Enough words, little wisdom.
Prosperity tries the souls even of the wise.
Before you act consider; when you have considered, tis fully time to act.
It is always easy to begin a war, but very difficult to stop one.