Advise well before you begin, and when you have maturely considered, then act with promptitude.
SALLUSTThe fame which is based on wealth or beauty is a frail and fleeting thing; but virtue shines for ages with undiminished lustre.
More Sallust Quotes
To have the same desires and the same aversion is assuredly a firm bond of friendship.
The firmest friendship is based on an identity of likes and dislikes.
One can ever assume to be what he is not, and to conceal what he is.
Fortune rules in all things, and advances and depresses things more out of her own will than right and justice.
Most honorable are services rendered to the State; even if they do not go beyond words, they are not to be despised.
Few men desire liberty; most men wish only for a just master.
The Gods being good and making all things, there is no positive evil, it only comes by absence of good; just as darkness itself does not exist, but only comes about by absence of light.
Ambition drove many men to become false; to have one thought locked in the breast, another ready on the tongue.
Before you act consider; when you have considered, tis fully time to act.
To desire the same things and to reject the same things, constitutes true friendship.
Greedy for the property of others, extravagant with his own
The man who is roused neither by glory nor by danger it is in vain to exhort; terror closes the ears of the mind.
For men who had easily endured hardship, danger and difficult uncertainty, leisure and riches, though in some ways desirable, proved burdensome and a source of grief.
Necessity makes even the timid brave.
When the prizes fall to the lot of the wicked, you will not find many who are virtuous for virtue’s sake.