By Taking Charge Of Your Karma, You Determine the Nature Of Your Experience.
SADHGURUOnce you free yourself from the meanness of the mind, an indiscriminate sense of love and inclusion arises.
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What is happening within you and how you experience your life is entirely your making – your karma.
Human Beings Are Not Suffering Life, They’re Suffering Memory & Imagination.
In maintaining distance from your thought and emotion, you can become available to the grace of the greatest beings.
The sole carrier in this pandemic is the human being. If we as human beings become conscious and bring Yoga into everyone’s life, stopping the pandemic in its tracks is very much in our hands.
Consciousness Means That Your Way of Being Is Determined By You.
Essentially, karma means moving life from compulsive reaction to conscious action.
Mother Earth is so generous. If only we give her the chance, she will restore everything in absolute abundance and beauty.
Every Human Being Should Experience Something Beyond Physical Nature
Once you free yourself from the meanness of the mind, an indiscriminate sense of love and inclusion arises.
If You Pay Enough Attention, You Will See That You Are a Complete Life.
This is a time for every human being to build yourself into a higher possibility.
The intellect, which is based on memory, is a wonderful tool. However, it can only inform not transform.
Your meditation is not only about you. If you become truly meditative, without knowing why everything around you will become peaceful.
One who cannot laugh, cannot meditate. Laughter is a certain exuberance of your energy. Meditation is the ultimate exuberance of your energy without physical action.
Human Consciousness Must Shape Social Structures, Not The Other Way Around.