Only if you make yourself available to it, can grace do something that you yourself could never do.
SADHGURUDance is an outpouring of the exuberance of one’s life energies.
More Sadhguru Quotes
Our Experience Is Determined By Our Conscious Response, Not By Instincts.
In reality, karma has nothing to do with reward and punishment.
As far as the laws of existence are concerned, there is no good and bad, no crime and punishment. It is just that for every action, there is a consequence.
If You Pay Enough Attention, You Will See That You Are a Complete Life.
Human Beings Are Not Suffering Life, They’re Suffering Memory & Imagination.
We cannot fix yesterday, but we can create tomorrow.
It is Time You Explore the Nature and Mechanics Of Karma.
The damage we cause to the environment is a consequence of how we are within ourselves. If we realize that maintaining our inner climate is in our hands, we will understand that taking action for the environment is also in our hands.
If your illusions are shattered, it means you are getting closer to reality.
Without a Stable Physical Structure, the Overflow of Genius Will Be Damaging.
If your work is about creating something that you truly care for, there is no need to balance work and life – life is work and work is life.
Insight is not about arriving at better perspectives for the existing situation but seeing new possibilities. What you need for this is clarity within yourself.
In maintaining distance from your thought and emotion, you can become available to the grace of the greatest beings.
Anything yields to you only to the extent you pay attention to it.
Your Actions and Your Life Are Not Transactions. Be Life, Not a Marketplace.