The sole carrier in this pandemic is the human being. If we as human beings become conscious and bring Yoga into everyone’s life, stopping the pandemic in its tracks is very much in our hands.
SADHGURUAs far as the laws of existence are concerned, there is no good and bad, no crime and punishment. It is just that for every action, there is a consequence.
More Sadhguru Quotes
Our Experience Is Determined By Our Conscious Response, Not By Instincts.
The damage we cause to the environment is a consequence of how we are within ourselves. If we realize that maintaining our inner climate is in our hands, we will understand that taking action for the environment is also in our hands.
Essentially, the full Moon is about getting intoxicated with life.
Ultimately, life is neither suffering nor bliss. It is what you make it.
Fear and anxiety are consequences of your imagination running wild. You are suffering a situation that may never happen.
If you break the shell of your personality, you will simply be present – as life is, as the Divine is, just a Presence.
Mother Earth is so generous. If only we give her the chance, she will restore everything in absolute abundance and beauty.
Only if you make yourself available to it, can grace do something that you yourself could never do.
Insight is not about arriving at better perspectives for the existing situation but seeing new possibilities. What you need for this is clarity within yourself.
Transcendence Is Very Easy When You Are In a State of Love or Devotion.
Every Human Being Should Experience Something Beyond Physical Nature
Fulfillment of Life Is In its Inclusiveness, Not In its Exclusiveness.
Society should not shape individual human consciousness. Human consciousness should shape society.
If You Want Your Life to Be Profound, You Need to Pay Attention.
Integrity is not a bunch of values or ethics. Integrity is the coherence between how you are, how you think, and how you act.