Death is never dangerous. Once death happens, all danger ceases.
SADHGURUDeath is never dangerous. Once death happens, all danger ceases.
More Sadhguru Quotes
Four wheels for Comfort. Two wheels for Love of Life. Stay alert and stay alive. Motorcycles are mean and magical at once.
Your meditation is not only about you. If you become truly meditative, without knowing why everything around you will become peaceful.
No matter how many things you gather in life, there is no container service in the end. Time to move from accumulation to true enhancement of life.
The fundamental nature of jealousy and envy is a feeling of inadequacy. If you were really blissful, you should not be envious of anyone.
Fear and anxiety are consequences of your imagination running wild. You are suffering a situation that may never happen.
When you have utter clarity about where you are at right now, the next level of experience will reveal itself to you.
Thought Is Your Dream. At Least That Must Happen the Way You Want.
By Taking Charge Of Your Karma, You Determine the Nature Of Your Experience.
If you are constantly aware of your mortal nature, you will only do what truly matters.
Your Personality Is Just An Accumulation of Memory and Past Experiences.
As far as the laws of existence are concerned, there is no good and bad, no crime and punishment. It is just that for every action, there is a consequence.
Integrity is not a bunch of values or ethics. Integrity is the coherence between how you are, how you think, and how you act.
The sole carrier in this pandemic is the human being. If we as human beings become conscious and bring Yoga into everyone’s life, stopping the pandemic in its tracks is very much in our hands.
Anything yields to you only to the extent you pay attention to it.
In maintaining distance from your thought and emotion, you can become available to the grace of the greatest beings.