The purpose of spiritual practices is to demolish the structures of limited experience and facilitate a Universal Possibility within the Individual.
SADHGURUThought Is Your Dream. At Least That Must Happen the Way You Want.
More Sadhguru Quotes
My mother set the ambiance for me, without which I would not be what I am.
In maintaining distance from your thought and emotion, you can become available to the grace of the greatest beings.
This is the most profound question in life: ‘What is the nature of my existence?’
The sole carrier in this pandemic is the human being. If we as human beings become conscious and bring Yoga into everyone’s life, stopping the pandemic in its tracks is very much in our hands.
This is a time to stand up – not just as one nation but as one Humanity.
The More Conscious You Become, The More Mastery You Have Over Your Own Life.
The Situations We Face Are Mostly a Reflection of What Is Happening Within.
Society should not shape individual human consciousness. Human consciousness should shape society.
You must be playing your mind – your mind should not be playing you.
This is a time for every human being to build yourself into a higher possibility.
Spirituality does not mean becoming barren. Only a person who is full of life and joy can be truly free.
If your humanity is dead, you need a lot of morality. If your humanity is alive and overflowing, you will naturally do the best for yourself and everyone around you.
No Limits Have Been Fixed To Your Mind. You Can Make It Mundane Or Magical.
It is Time You Explore the Nature and Mechanics Of Karma.
People are dedicated to their lifestyle, not to their life. Once you are dedicated to your lifestyle, you get enslaved to how much you earn.