Our Experience Is Determined By Our Conscious Response, Not By Instincts.
SADHGURUThe path is the destination, and the destination is hidden in the path, as the Creator is hidden in creation.
More Sadhguru Quotes
If You Pay Enough Attention, You Will See That You Are a Complete Life.
Karma is about shifting responsibility from heaven to yourself. In this, you become the very maker of your own destiny.
Transcendence Is Very Easy When You Are In a State of Love or Devotion.
Fear and anxiety are consequences of your imagination running wild. You are suffering a situation that may never happen.
The More Conscious You Become, The More Mastery You Have Over Your Own Life.
Your Actions and Your Life Are Not Transactions. Be Life, Not a Marketplace.
It is the limited identities of race, religion, and nationality that breed conflict and violence.
By Taking Charge Of Your Karma, You Determine the Nature Of Your Experience.
Health is your responsibility.
Fulfillment of Life Is In its Inclusiveness, Not In its Exclusiveness.
As far as the laws of existence are concerned, there is no good and bad, no crime and punishment. It is just that for every action, there is a consequence.
If only you can go through difficult times with inner grace, you will see that every situation we face is an opportunity to enhance our lives.
No matter how many things you gather in life, there is no container service in the end. Time to move from accumulation to true enhancement of life.
Whether it is easy or hard, never lose your focus as to where you want to go.
Insight is not about arriving at better perspectives for the existing situation but seeing new possibilities. What you need for this is clarity within yourself.