Transcendence Is Very Easy When You Are In a State of Love or Devotion.
SADHGURUMother Earth is so generous. If only we give her the chance, she will restore everything in absolute abundance and beauty.
More Sadhguru Quotes
The Situations We Face Are Mostly a Reflection of What Is Happening Within.
Fulfillment of Life Is In its Inclusiveness, Not In its Exclusiveness.
Four wheels for Comfort. Two wheels for Love of Life. Stay alert and stay alive. Motorcycles are mean and magical at once.
If your thought process happened the way you want, why would you ever be miserable?
Every human being aspires for health and wellbeing. True health fundamentally means to be in tune with nature, both inner and outer.
Lifestyle is a consequence of the times we live in – life is the real thing.
You must be playing your mind – your mind should not be playing you.
No matter how many things you gather in life, there is no container service in the end. Time to move from accumulation to true enhancement of life.
Your meditation is not only about you. If you become truly meditative, without knowing why everything around you will become peaceful.
Peace and happiness are neither rooted in the marketplace nor the forest, but within.
Do not hold back your love, your joy, and your exuberance. Only what you give becomes your quality, not what you hold back.
Human Consciousness Must Shape Social Structures, Not The Other Way Around.
Everything that happens in the material world is essentially a certain kind of wave. If you are a good sailor, every wave is a possibility.
What is happening within you and how you experience your life is entirely your making – your karma.
It is Time You Explore the Nature and Mechanics Of Karma.