Spirituality does not mean becoming barren. Only a person who is full of life and joy can be truly free.
SADHGURUYouth Is Not Just a Number, Youth Means You Are Constantly In the Making.
More Sadhguru Quotes
If you do not do what you cannot do, it is all right. But if you do not do what you can do, your life is a tragedy.
Mother Earth is so generous. If only we give her the chance, she will restore everything in absolute abundance and beauty.
My mother set the ambiance for me, without which I would not be what I am.
The intellect, which is based on memory, is a wonderful tool. However, it can only inform not transform.
Once you free yourself from the meanness of the mind, an indiscriminate sense of love and inclusion arises.
Dance is an outpouring of the exuberance of one’s life energies.
Do not hold back your love, your joy, and your exuberance. Only what you give becomes your quality, not what you hold back.
Integrity is not a bunch of values or ethics. Integrity is the coherence between how you are, how you think, and how you act.
By Taking Charge Of Your Karma, You Determine the Nature Of Your Experience.
Now is the time to show your responsibility and commitment to all life, including your own.
In reality, karma has nothing to do with reward and punishment.
If only you can go through difficult times with inner grace, you will see that every situation we face is an opportunity to enhance our lives.
The damage we cause to the environment is a consequence of how we are within ourselves. If we realize that maintaining our inner climate is in our hands, we will understand that taking action for the environment is also in our hands.
Being a father means being a worthy Example.
If You Pay Enough Attention, You Will See That You Are a Complete Life.