Everything that happens in the material world is essentially a certain kind of wave. If you are a good sailor, every wave is a possibility.
SADHGURUKarma means that you can change your destiny, not simply be ruled by it.
More Sadhguru Quotes
The mind is an endless game. You should not play it all the time.
My mother set the ambiance for me, without which I would not be what I am.
If You Pay Enough Attention, You Will See That You Are a Complete Life.
Anything yields to you only to the extent you pay attention to it.
Without a Stable Physical Structure, the Overflow of Genius Will Be Damaging.
People are dedicated to their lifestyle, not to their life. Once you are dedicated to your lifestyle, you get enslaved to how much you earn.
Essentially, the full Moon is about getting intoxicated with life.
Your Personality Is Just An Accumulation of Memory and Past Experiences.
If you learn to laugh at your own stupidity, all your rubbish will turn into manure very fast. And manure is good for growth.
Integrity is not a bunch of values or ethics. Integrity is the coherence between how you are, how you think, and how you act.
No Limits Have Been Fixed To Your Mind. You Can Make It Mundane Or Magical.
If You Want Your Life to Be Profound, You Need to Pay Attention.
Lifestyle is a consequence of the times we live in – life is the real thing.
Insight is not about arriving at better perspectives for the existing situation but seeing new possibilities. What you need for this is clarity within yourself.
You must be playing your mind – your mind should not be playing you.