Human Beings Are Not Suffering Life, They’re Suffering Memory & Imagination.
SADHGURUHuman Consciousness Must Shape Social Structures, Not The Other Way Around.
More Sadhguru Quotes
Transcendence Is Very Easy When You Are In a State of Love or Devotion.
Karma is about shifting responsibility from heaven to yourself. In this, you become the very maker of your own destiny.
If your work is about creating something that you truly care for, there is no need to balance work and life – life is work and work is life.
Fulfillment of Life Is In its Inclusiveness, Not In its Exclusiveness.
If only you can go through difficult times with inner grace, you will see that every situation we face is an opportunity to enhance our lives.
Being a father means being a worthy Example.
Do not hold back your love, your joy, and your exuberance. Only what you give becomes your quality, not what you hold back.
If you take your individuality too seriously, conflict is a natural outcome.
Integrity is not a bunch of values or ethics. Integrity is the coherence between how you are, how you think, and how you act.
The sole carrier in this pandemic is the human being. If we as human beings become conscious and bring Yoga into everyone’s life, stopping the pandemic in its tracks is very much in our hands.
The intellect, which is based on memory, is a wonderful tool. However, it can only inform not transform.
The More Conscious You Become, The More Mastery You Have Over Your Own Life.
This is the most profound question in life: ‘What is the nature of my existence?’
Indian spirituality is not wimpy. We stand up for what matters. We stand up for life.
In maintaining distance from your thought and emotion, you can become available to the grace of the greatest beings.