Have patience. Everything is difficult before it is easy.
SAADIHe who is intoxicated with wine will be sober again in the course of the night, but he who is intoxicated by the cupbearer will not recover his senses until the day of judgement.
More Saadi Quotes
When the belly is empty, the body becomes spirit; and when it is full, the spirit becomes body.
A handsome woman is a jewel; a good woman is a treasure.
Be thou good thyself, and let people speak evil of thee; it is better than to be wicked, and that they should consider thee as good.
Whenever you argue with another wiser than yourself in order that others may admire your wisdom, they will discover your ignorance.
God gives sleep to the bad, in order that the good may be undisturbed.
Keep belly lightly loaded, if mind would wisdom see; For bodies crammed to bursting, make empty souls to be.
Virtue pardons the wicked, as the sandal-tree perfumes the axe which strikes it.
Do to me, O Allah, what is worthy of Thee; And not what is worthy of me.
Oh God, I say not hear my prayers! I say: Blot with forgiving pen my sins away!
He who lives upon the fruit of his own labor, escapes the contempt of haughty benefactors.
A traveler without knowledge is a bird without wings.
To pardon the oppressor is to deal harshly with the oppressed.
It is better to break off a thousand friendships, than to endure the sight of a single enemy.
He who is a slave to his stomach seldom worships God.
Man is, beyond dispute, the most excellent of created beings, and the vilest animal is a dog; but the sages agree that a grateful dog is better than an ungrateful man.