It is better to break off a thousand friendships, than to endure the sight of a single enemy.
SAADIA man is insensible to the relish of prosperity until he has tasted adversity.
More Saadi Quotes
The remedy against want is to moderate your desires.
Be thou good thyself, and let people speak evil of thee; it is better than to be wicked, and that they should consider thee as good.
He who lives upon the fruit of his own labor, escapes the contempt of haughty benefactors.
Anger that has no limit causes terror, and unseasonable kindness does away with respect. Be not so severe as to cause disgust, nor so lenient as to make people presume.
Virtue pardons the wicked, as the sandal-tree perfumes the axe which strikes it.
A peace-mingling falsehood is preferable to a mischief-stirring truth.
If a piece of worthless stone can bruise a cup of gold, its worth is not increased, nor that of the gold diminished.
Better is the sinner who hath thoughts about God, than the saint who hath only the show of sanctity.
Do good even to the wicked; it is as well to shut a dog’s mouth with a crumb.
If a gem falls into mud it is still valuable. If dust ascends to heaven, it remains valueless.
Holiness comes by holy deeds. Not starving flesh of daily needs.
There is a difference between him who claspeth his mistress in his arms, and him whose eyes are fixed on the door expecting her.
Forgiveness is commendable, but apply not ointment to the wound of an oppressor.
Joy and sorrow, beauty and deformity, equally pass away.
Whatever makes an impression on the heart seems lovely in the eye.