Oh God, I say not hear my prayers! I say: Blot with forgiving pen my sins away!
SAADIMake no friendship with an elephant keeper If you have no room to entertain an elephant.
More Saadi Quotes
Be not so severe as to cause shyness, nor so clement as to encourage boldness.
A wise man among the ignorant is as a beautiful girl in the company of blind men.
Take care what you say before a wall, as you cannot tell who may be behind it.
Forgiveness is commendable, but apply not ointment to the wound of an oppressor.
A lovely face is the solace of wounded hearts and the key of locked-up gates.
When a man appreciates only eating and sleeping, what excellence has he over the reptiles?
Whatever is produced in haste goes hastily to waste.
It’s no virtue to gain the whole world. Just gain the heart of one person.
Virtue pardons the wicked, as the sandal-tree perfumes the axe which strikes it.
It is safer to be silent than to reveal one’s secret to any one, and telling him not to mention it.
Anger that has no limit causes terror, and unseasonable kindness does away with respect. Be not so severe as to cause disgust, nor so lenient as to make people presume.
If a piece of worthless stone can bruise a cup of gold, its worth is not increased, nor that of the gold diminished.
If a gem falls into mud it is still valuable. If dust ascends to heaven, it remains valueless.
O wise man, wash your hands of that friend who associates with your enemies.
He who is intoxicated with wine will be sober again in the course of the night, but he who is intoxicated by the cupbearer will not recover his senses until the day of judgement.