To tell a falsehood is like the cut of a saber: for though the wound may heal, the scar of it will remain.
SAADIWhoever acquires knowledge but does not practice it is as one who ploughs but does not sow.
More Saadi Quotes
Two orders of mankind are the enemies of church and state; the king without clemency, and the holy man without learning.
He who is indifferent to the suffering of others is a traitor to that which is truly human.
To pardon the oppressor is to deal harshly with the oppressed.
Nothing is so good for an ignorant man as silence; and if he was sensible of this he would not be ignorant.
Whatever is produced in haste goes hastily to waste.
The world is not a courtroom There is no judge no jury no plaintiff. This is a caravan filled with eccentric beings telling wondrous stories about God.
A tree, freshly rooted, may be pulled up by one man on his own. Give it time, and it will not be moved, even with a crane.
Be thou good thyself, and let people speak evil of thee; it is better than to be wicked, and that they should consider thee as good.
Better is the sinner who hath thoughts about God, than the saint who hath only the show of sanctity.
A handsome woman is a jewel; a good woman is a treasure.
The remedy against want is to moderate your desires.
Ants, fighting together, will vanquish the lion.
Do to me, O Allah, what is worthy of Thee; And not what is worthy of me.
When the belly is empty, the body becomes spirit; and when it is full, the spirit becomes body.
The hand of liberality is stronger than the arm of power.