If a gem falls into mud it is still valuable. If dust ascends to heaven, it remains valueless.
SAADIThe best loved by God are those that are rich, yet have the humility of the poor, and those that are poor and have the magnanimity of the rich.
More Saadi Quotes
A man is insensible to the relish of prosperity until he has tasted adversity.
A man of virtue, judgment, and prudence speaks not until there is silence.
Whoever recounts to you the faults of your neighbour will doubtless expose your defects to others.
It is better to break off a thousand friendships, than to endure the sight of a single enemy.
No person learned the art of archery from me, who did not in the end make me his target.
A wise man among the ignorant is as a beautiful girl in the company of blind men.
Joy and sorrow, beauty and deformity, equally pass away.
Oh God, I say not hear my prayers! I say: Blot with forgiving pen my sins away!
A handsome woman is a jewel; a good woman is a treasure.
Whatever is produced in haste goes hastily to waste.
Take care how you listen to the voice of the flatterer, who, in return for his little stock, expects to derive from you considerable advantage. If one day you do not comply with his wishes, be imputes to you two hundred defects instead of perfections.
He who is a slave to his stomach seldom worships God.
When a mean wretch cannot vie with another in virtue, out of his wickedness he begins to slander. The abject envious wretch will slander the virtuous man when absent, but when brought face to face his loquacious tongue becomes dumb.
Nothing is so good for an ignorant man as silence; and if he was sensible of this he would not be ignorant.
Whenever you argue with another wiser than yourself in order that others may admire your wisdom, they will discover your ignorance.