Religion is only in the service of the people; it is not in the rosary and the prayer-carpet.
SAADIA lovely face is the solace of wounded hearts and the key of locked-up gates.
More Saadi Quotes
It is better to break off a thousand friendships, than to endure the sight of a single enemy.
Nothing is so good for an ignorant man as silence; and if he was sensible of this he would not be ignorant.
The remedy against want is to moderate your desires.
However much you study, you cannot know without action. A donkey laden with books is neither an intellectual nor a wise man. Empty of essence, what learning has he whether upon him is firewood or book?
When thou seest thine enemy in trouble, curl not thy whiskers in contempt; for in every bone there is marrow, and within every jacket there is a man.
Whoever gives advice to a heedless man is himself in need of advice.
He who is indifferent to the suffering of others is a traitor to that which is truly human.
A man is insensible to the relish of prosperity until he has tasted adversity.
The best loved by God are those that are rich, yet have the humility of the poor, and those that are poor and have the magnanimity of the rich.
Were the diver to think on the jaws of the shark, he would never lay hands on the precious pearl.
None can be so true to your secret as yourself.
People are crying up the rich and variegated plumage of the peacock, and he is himself blushing at the sight of his ugly feet.
Reveal not every secret you have to a friend, for how can you tell but that friend may hereafter become and enemy. And bring not all mischief you are able to upon an enemy, for he may one day become your friend.
Whoever interrupts the conversation of others to make a display of his fund of knowledge, makes notorious his own stock of ignorance.
Better is the sinner who hath thoughts about God, than the saint who hath only the show of sanctity.