Use a sweet tongue, courtesy, and gentleness, and thou mayest manage to guide an elephant by a hair.
SAADII fear God the most, but after Him, I fear those who don’t fear Him.
More Saadi Quotes
Whoever gives advice to a heedless man is himself in need of advice.
To pardon the oppressor is to deal harshly with the oppressed.
A handsome woman is a jewel; a good woman is a treasure.
None can be so true to your secret as yourself.
O Contentment, make me rich! for without thee there is no wealth.
Be thou good thyself, and let people speak evil of thee; it is better than to be wicked, and that they should consider thee as good.
When the belly is empty, the body becomes spirit; and when it is full, the spirit becomes body.
Joy and sorrow, beauty and deformity, equally pass away.
Do good even to the wicked; it is as well to shut a dog’s mouth with a crumb.
Oh God, I say not hear my prayers! I say: Blot with forgiving pen my sins away!
He who is a slave to his stomach seldom worships God.
I have never seen a man lost who was on a straight path.
When a mean wretch cannot vie with another in virtue, out of his wickedness he begins to slander. The abject envious wretch will slander the virtuous man when absent, but when brought face to face his loquacious tongue becomes dumb.
Do to me, O Allah, what is worthy of Thee; And not what is worthy of me.
Every leaf of the tree becomes a page of the book, once the heart is opened and it has learnt to read.