Expose not the secret failings of mankind, otherwise you must verily bring scandal upon them and distrust upon yourself.
SAADIIf a gem falls into mud it is still valuable. If dust ascends to heaven, it remains valueless.
More Saadi Quotes
A little beauty is preferable to much wealth.
A man of virtue, judgment, and prudence speaks not until there is silence.
I have never seen a man lost who was on a straight path.
Oh God, I say not hear my prayers! I say: Blot with forgiving pen my sins away!
It is safer to be silent than to reveal one’s secret to any one, and telling him not to mention it.
Whoever has his foe at his mercy, and does not kill him, is his own enemy
Patience accomplishes its object, while hurry speeds to its ruin.
I fear God the most, but after Him, I fear those who don’t fear Him.
Oh God, I say not hear my prayers! I say: Blot with forgiving pen my sins away!
God gives sleep to the bad, in order that the good may be undisturbed.
A dog will never forget the crumb thou gavest him, though thou mayst afterwards throw a hundred stones at his head.
No person learned the art of archery from me, who did not in the end make me his target.
It is better to break off a thousand friendships, than to endure the sight of a single enemy.
Anger that has no limit causes terror, and unseasonable kindness does away with respect. Be not so severe as to cause disgust, nor so lenient as to make people presume.
Whoever acquires knowledge but does not practice it is as one who ploughs but does not sow.