The sons of Adam are formed from dust; if not humble as the dust, they fall short of being men.
SAADIHe who is indifferent to the suffering of others is a traitor to that which is truly human.
More Saadi Quotes
O Contentment, make me rich! for without thee there is no wealth.
Shut the door of that house of pleasure which you hear resounding with the loud voice of a woman.
A dog will never forget the crumb thou gavest him, though thou mayst afterwards throw a hundred stones at his head.
Nothing is so good for an ignorant man as silence; and if he was sensible of this he would not be ignorant.
A man of virtue, judgment, and prudence speaks not until there is silence.
A wise man among the ignorant is as a beautiful girl in the company of blind men.
When the belly is empty, the body becomes spirit; and when it is full, the spirit becomes body.
Take care how you listen to the voice of the flatterer, who, in return for his little stock, expects to derive from you considerable advantage. If one day you do not comply with his wishes, be imputes to you two hundred defects instead of perfections.
Make no friendship with an elephant keeper If you have no room to entertain an elephant.
Oh God, I say not hear my prayers! I say: Blot with forgiving pen my sins away!
Be not in the desire of thine own ease.
If a gem falls into mud it is still valuable. If dust ascends to heaven, it remains valueless.
When a man appreciates only eating and sleeping, what excellence has he over the reptiles?
Whoever acquires knowledge but does not practice it is as one who ploughs but does not sow.
You who feel no pain at the suffering of others It is not fitting for you to be called human.