Yet what greater defeat could we suffer than to come to resemble the forces we oppose in their disrespect for human dignity?
Yet what greater defeat could we suffer than to come to resemble the forces we oppose in their disrespect for human dignity?
RUTH BADER GINSBURGWe should learn to do our best for the sake of our communities and for the sake of those for whom we pave the way.
RUTH BADER GINSBURGYou’re saying, no, state said two kinds of marriage; the full marriage, and then this sort of skim-milk marriage.
RUTH BADER GINSBURGWomen will have achieved true equality when men share with them the responsibility of bringing up the next generation.
RUTH BADER GINSBURGDon’t be distracted by emotions like anger, envy, resentment. These just zap energy and waste time.
RUTH BADER GINSBURGA sense of humor is helpful for those who would advance social change.
RUTH BADER GINSBURGAdult women are able to make decisions about their own lives’ course no less than men are.
RUTH BADER GINSBURGWork for the things that you care about.
RUTH BADER GINSBURGI conceived of myself in large part as a teacher.
RUTH BADER GINSBURGI became a lawyer for selfish reasons. I thought I could do a lawyer’s job better than any other.
RUTH BADER GINSBURGReacting in anger or annoyance will not advance one’s ability to persuade.
RUTH BADER GINSBURGI think daughters can change the perception of their fathers.
RUTH BADER GINSBURGI’m a very strong believer in listening and learning from others.
RUTH BADER GINSBURGMy mother was very strong about my doing well in school and living up to my potential.”
RUTH BADER GINSBURGDissents speak to a future age.
RUTH BADER GINSBURGThe state controlling a woman would mean denying her full autonomy and full equality.