I’ve been thinking a lot about gay marriage. I’m a big supporter.
RUSSELL SIMMONSI’ve been thinking a lot about gay marriage. I’m a big supporter.
RUSSELL SIMMONSAs long as you are passionate about your vision, you should keep moving forward.
RUSSELL SIMMONSThe always-connected culture isn’t as much a contributor as Grace might think. The nervous mind, the monkey mind, will create its own noise. It doesn’t need a new toy.
RUSSELL SIMMONSI know a lot of angry liberals right now. Hell, I know a lot of angry vegans.
RUSSELL SIMMONSI want to promote poetry to the point where you got all the baldhead kids running around doing poetry, getting the music out of the way and having only words, the spoken word, and then see what happens.
RUSSELL SIMMONSThe word mantra comes from two Sanskrit words man, (“to think”) and tra (“tool’). So the literal translation is “a tool of thought.”
RUSSELL SIMMONSAn animal products diet is like smoking 20 cigarettes a day.
RUSSELL SIMMONSI don’t miss my prayers and I don’t miss my yoga. Those things are important to me.
RUSSELL SIMMONSThe biggest impediment to get the laws changed was the lobbyists. Whether you’re talking about healthcare, jobs going overseas, or tax reform, you’re always coming up against lobbyists.
RUSSELL SIMMONSNever change for the mainstream—stay in your lane, and if you’re talented and resilient enough the mainstream will come to you.
RUSSELL SIMMONSMy wife Kimora once told me while we were watching “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre” that it’s a vegetarian movie because the way that the woman was screaming, “Aaaahhh,” and trying to run away is how every animal you eat reacted at the slaughterhouse.
RUSSELL SIMMONSIn the end, the overriding factor in whether or not you realize your dreams is going to be you. Not the world. YOU.
RUSSELL SIMMONSI’m lucky that I have a platform that I can answer my own questions.
RUSSELL SIMMONSA clear and focused mind will last a lifetime. Getting your mind in shape is nothing less than the key to sustainable success in the world.
RUSSELL SIMMONSI think that diversity is key for the next American entrepreneurs. They want to be a part of this society where there is so much diversity they have to have people from all the experiences.
RUSSELL SIMMONSNeeding nothing really is the ultimate goal. And to have nothing to do with things.