A poet or a comedian can say what’s on the mind of people. They should be funny. They should make you laugh. It may be so truthful that it hurts, but it makes you laugh.
RUSSELL SIMMONSA poet or a comedian can say what’s on the mind of people. They should be funny. They should make you laugh. It may be so truthful that it hurts, but it makes you laugh.
RUSSELL SIMMONSThere are no failures, only quitters.
RUSSELL SIMMONSI’m a big supporter of President Obama.
RUSSELL SIMMONSThere’s something about the authenticity that Hollywood is missing when it comes to urban culture.
RUSSELL SIMMONSI really, really try to be a good servant. It makes me happy when I’m a good giver without expectations.
RUSSELL SIMMONSAntisemitism is just another form of racism. It’s the same sickness, whether it’s about Christians, about Islamophobia, which is horrible. It’s all wrong. It’s all the same.
RUSSELL SIMMONSMistakes only cost you when you don’t acknowledge them.
RUSSELL SIMMONSGet unstuck from whatever it is you perceive is holding you back from realizing your dreams.
RUSSELL SIMMONSEverything you need to know about success is inside of you, because I believe it is inside of all of us. That is, all human beings have potential for infinite success.
RUSSELL SIMMONSThe seconds of presence are where most inspiration comes. There are sunsets that promote it.
RUSSELL SIMMONSLabels cloud our vision and distract us from seeing how much we have in common with one another.
RUSSELL SIMMONSI couldn’t guarantee that someone could get off their medication. But I suspect that meditation instead of Ritalin would change the life of any kid with ADD.
RUSSELL SIMMONSIt’s always marketeers building their own careers.
RUSSELL SIMMONSIf it feels like your life has become a nasty, brackish puddle of water, never forget that you do possess the power to transform it into a beautiful, rushing stream that will carry you to enlightenment.
RUSSELL SIMMONSGive what you want to receive. If you want happiness, make others happy.
RUSSELL SIMMONSI have faith in people and our government ultimately to do the right thing. And to my brothers and sisters in California, I’m there with you every step of the way until that day comes…