I should say that we are almost indispensable; and no man is useless while he has a friend.
ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSONI should say that we are almost indispensable; and no man is useless while he has a friend.
ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSONThe world is so full of a number of things, I’m sure we should all be as happy as kings.
ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSONLife is not a matter of holding good cards, but of playing a poor hand well.
ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSONKeep your eyes open to your mercies. The man who forgets to be thankful has fallen asleep in life.
ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSONIt’s a pleasant thing to be young, and have ten toes.
ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSONIt is not so much for its beauty that the forest makes a claim upon men’s hearts, as for that subtle something, that quality of air that emanation from old trees, that so wonderfully changes and renews a weary spirit.
ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSONThe mark of a good action is that it appears inevitable in retrospect.
ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSONAn elegant and pregnant texture: that is style, that is the foundation of the art of literature.
ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSONYou can forgive people who do not follow you through a philosophical disquisition.
ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSONKeep your fears to yourself, but share your courage with others.
ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSONMankind was never so happily inspired as when it made a cathedral.
ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSONEvery man has a sane spot somewhere.
ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSONPerpetual devotion to what a man calls his business is only to be sustained by perpetual neglect of many other things.
ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSONWe must accept life for what it actually is – a challenge to our quality without which we should never know of what stuff we are made, or grow to our full stature.
ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSONThe habit of being happy enables one to be freed, or largely freed, from the domination of outward conditions.
ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSONThe cruelest lies are often told in silence.