The waves belong to the water. Does the water belong to the waves?
RAMAKRISHNAThe fool who repeats again and again: “I am bound, I am bound,” remains in bondage. He who repeats day and night: “I am a sinner, I am a sinner,” becomes a sinner indeed.
More Ramakrishna Quotes
All, without any exception, will certainly know their real Self.
He is born in vain, who having attained the human birth, so difficult to get, does not attempt to realize God in this very life.
All religions are true. God can be reached by different religions. Many rivers flow by many ways but they fall into the sea. They all are one.
Try to cultivate love of God. You are born as a human being only to attain divine love.
Forget all the worldly knowledge that thou hast acquired and become as a child, and then will thou get the divine wisdom.
If however, you once see your Divine Mother, you will not afterwards find pleasure in all these. Throwing them all aside, you will run to her.
Then hold fast to whichever faith appeals to you.
Common men talk bagfuls of religion but do not practise even a grain of it. The wise man speaks a little, even though his whole life is religion expressed in action.
They are so replete with love that whatever they do is a good action.
God in the form of the righteous, God in the form of the unrighteous.
One must be very particular about telling the truth. Through truth one can realize God.
The winds of grace blow all the time. All we need to do is set our sails.
If a white cloth is stained even with a small spot, the stain appears very ugly indeed. So the smallest fault of a holy man becomes painfully prominent.
When the divine vision is attained, all appear equal; and there remains no distinction of good and bad, or of high and low.
The young bamboo can be easily bent, but the full grown bamboo breaks when it is bent with force.