Allow others also equal liberty to stand by their own faith and opinion.
RAMAKRISHNABecause of the pot the water appears to be divided into two parts; because of the pot you seem to perceive an inside and an outside.
More Ramakrishna Quotes
One feels that way as long as this pot of ‘I’ exists. When the ‘I’ disappears, what is remains. That cannot be described in words.
Unalloyed love of God is the essential thing. All else is unreal.
God is in all men, but all men are not in God; that is why we suffer.
God in the form of the righteous, God in the form of the unrighteous.
By the mind one is bound; by the mind one is freed. … He who asserts with strong conviction: “I am not bound, I am free,” becomes free.
The less your attachment is towards the senses, the more will be your love towards God .
That knowledge which purifies the mind and heart alone is true Knowledge, all else is only a negation of Knowledge.
When the divine vision is attained, all appear equal; and there remains no distinction of good and bad, or of high and low.
The breeze of grace is always blowing; set your sail to catch that breeze.
God in the form of the saint, God in the form of the sinner, God in the form of the righteous, God in the form of the unrighteous.
I have now come to a stage of realization in which I see that God is walking in every human form and manifesting Himself alike through the sage and the sinner
So when a person dies in a state of ignorance, he is born again; but when he becomes well baked in the fire of true knowledge and dies a perfect man, he is not born again.
If you must be mad, be it not for the things of the world. Be mad with the love of God.
Too much study of the scriptures does more harm than good. The important thing is to know the essence of the scriptures.
Similarly, though ahamkara (egotism) is slain in the perfect man, yet enough of its vitality is left to make him carry on the functions of physical life;