Live in the world like a waterfowl. The water clings to the bird, but the bird shakes it off. Live in the world like a mudfish.
RAMAKRISHNAIf you are trying to thread a needle, you will not succeed if the thread has even a slight fiber sticking out.
More Ramakrishna Quotes
All troubles come to an end when the ego dies
By the mind one is bound; by the mind one is freed. … He who asserts with strong conviction: “I am not bound, I am free,” becomes free.
Why does God allow evil in the world? To thicken the plot.
Knowledge leads to unity, but ignorance to diversity.
It is not lust alone that one should be afraid of in the life of the world. There is also anger. Anger arises when obstacles are placed in the way of desire.
When the divine vision is attained, all appear equal; and there remains no distinction of good and bad, or of high and low.
The world is impermanent. One should constantly remember death.
Different people call on [God] by different names: some as Allah, some as God, and others as Krishna, Siva, and Brahman. It is like the water in a lake.
It’s enough to have faith in one aspect of God. You have faith in God without form.
He whose mind dwells on God. But this is not possible as long as one has egotism and vanity.
The young bamboo can be easily bent, but the full grown bamboo breaks when it is bent with force.
Have love for everyone, no one is other than you.
God, the true Philosopher’s Stone, Who answers every prayer, Lies hidden deep within your heart
Man needs a guru. But a man must have faith in the guru’s words. He succeeds in spiritual life by looking on his guru as God Himself.
The jnani sees that both inside and outside there is nothing but Paramatman. Then what is this pot? It is ‘I-consciousness’.