Allow others also equal liberty to stand by their own faith and opinion.
RAMAKRISHNAThen hold fast to whichever faith appeals to you.
More Ramakrishna Quotes
The winds of God’s grace are always blowing, it is for us to raise our sails.
Through selfless work, love of God grows in heart.
It is on account of the ego that one is not able to see God. In front of the door of God’s mansion lies the stump of ego.
As long as I live, so long do I learn.
The world is impermanent. [All things change. Knowing this helps you see the end of any difficulty and thereby have hope.]
One should not think, ‘My religion alone is the right path and other religions are false.’ God can be realized by means of all paths.
When you meditate, go into the solitude of a forest, or a quiet corner, and enter into the chamber of your heart. And always keep your power of discrimination awake.
The ego is like the root of a banyan tree, you think you have removed it all then one fine morning you see a sprout flourishing again.
The breeze of grace is always blowing; set your sail to catch that breeze.
The young bamboo can be easily bent, but the full grown bamboo breaks when it is bent with force.
It is easy to talk on religion, but difficult to practice it.
So when a person dies in a state of ignorance, he is born again; but when he becomes well baked in the fire of true knowledge and dies a perfect man, he is not born again.
He has not tasted the nectar of true faith; when he has tasted it, he becomes quiet and full of peace.
The fish lives in the mud, but its skin is always bright and shiny.
Knowledge leads to unity, but ignorance to diversity.