The jnani sees that both inside and outside there is nothing but Paramatman. Then what is this pot? It is ‘I-consciousness’.
RAMAKRISHNAAll, without any exception, will certainly know their real Self.
More Ramakrishna Quotes
If you desire to be pure, have firm faith, and slowly go on with your devotional practices without wasting your energy in useless scriptural discussions and arguments. Your little brain will otherwise be muddled.
When the head of a goat is severed from its body, the trunk struggles for some time, still showing signs of life.
Little children play with dolls in the outer room just as they like, without any care of fear or restraint; but as soon as their mother comes in, they throw aside their dolls and run to her crying, “Mamma, mamma.
Great men have the nature of a child.
The world is impermanent. One should constantly remember death.
Why does God allow evil in the world? To thicken the plot.
First realise God, see Him by means of spiritual discipline. If He imparts power you can do good to others; otherwise not.
We laugh at the efforts of the musk deer to find the source of the scent which comes from itself and despair at our efforts to find the peace which is our essence.
So long as the heart of man is directed towards God, he cannot be lost in the ocean of worldliness.
You see many stars in the sky at night, but not when the sun rises.
The world is impermanent. [All things change. Knowing this helps you see the end of any difficulty and thereby have hope.]
One should always maintain an attitude of respect towards other religions. Dispute not, as you rest firmly on your own faith and opinion
Try to cultivate love of God. You are born as a human being only to attain divine love.
So it is with man; one is beautiful, another is ugly, a third holy, and a fourth wicked; but the Divine Being dwells in them all.
God is everywhere but He is most manifest in man. So serve man as God. That is as good as worshipping God.