There are three kinds of love; unselfish, mutual, and selfish. The unselfish love is of the highest kind; The lover only minds the welfare of the beloved and does not care for his own sufferings. .
RAMAKRISHNAOne should not think, ‘My religion alone is the right path and other religions are false.’ God can be realized by means of all paths.
More Ramakrishna Quotes
It is easy to talk on religion, but difficult to practice it.
Through selfless work, love of God grows in heart.
If a white cloth is stained even with a small spot, the stain appears very ugly indeed. So the smallest fault of a holy man becomes painfully prominent.
Hearing about Benares is different from reading about it; but seeing Benares is different from either hearing or reading.
The way of love is as true as the way of knowledge. All paths ultimately lead to the same Truth. But as long as God keeps the feeling of ego in us, it is easier to follow the path of love.
He whose mind dwells on God. But this is not possible as long as one has egotism and vanity.
God in the form of the saint, God in the form of the sinner, God in the form of the righteous, God in the form of the unrighteous.
If there are errors in other religions, that is none of our business. God, to whom the world belongs, takes care of that.
This side is mine and that side is yours.’ He laughs and says to Himself, ‘The whole universe belongs to Me, but they say they own this portion or that portion.’it!’
When one becomes spiritual, the ego vanishes gradually on its own. A tree laden with fruits always bends low. Humility is a sign of greatness.
The winds of grace are always blowing, but you have to raise the sail.
If you keep your heart immersed always in the depth of that holy love, your heart is sure to remain ever full to overflowing with the Divine fervour of sacred love.
Finish the few duties you have at hand, and then you will have peace.
A man is truly free, even here in this embodied state, if he knows that God is the true agent and he by himself is powerless to do anything.
The virtuous and the vicious. Therefore when I meet different people I say to myself, “God in the form of the saint, God in the form of the sinner