It is on account of the ego that one is not able to see God. In front of the door of God’s mansion lies the stump of ego.
RAMAKRISHNADwell, O mind, within yourself; Enter no other’s home. If you but seek there, you will find All you are searching for.
More Ramakrishna Quotes
Sunlight is one and the same wherever it falls; but only a bright surface like that of water, or of a mirror reflects it fully.
But it is not sufficient to bind him again into the world.
This side is mine and that side is yours.’ He laughs and says to Himself, ‘The whole universe belongs to Me, but they say they own this portion or that portion.’it!’
One must be very particular about telling the truth. Through truth one can realize God.
Do yourself what you wish others to do.
Bondage and Liberation are of the mind alone.
The Hindus call it ‘jal’, the Christians ‘water’, and the Moslems ‘pani’. But it is one and the same thing.
By the mind one is bound; by the mind one is freed. … He who asserts with strong conviction: “I am not bound, I am free,” becomes free.
It’s enough to have faith in one aspect of God. You have faith in God without form.
God can be realized through all paths. All religions are true. The important thing is to reach the roof.
When the fruit appears the blossom drops off. Love of God is the fruit, and rituals are the blossom.
Bhakti is the one essential thing. To be sure, God exists in all beings. Who, then is a devotee?
The magnetic needle always points to the north, and hence it is that sailing vessel does not lose her direction.
It is very pleasant to scratch an itching ring-worm, but the sensation one gets afterwards is very painful and intolerable.
The world is impermanent. [All things change. Knowing this helps you see the end of any difficulty and thereby have hope.]