In the same way the pleasures of this world are very attractive in the beginning, but their consequences are terrible to contemplate and hard to endure.
RAMAKRISHNAAs long as I live, so long do I learn.
More Ramakrishna Quotes
When one has love for God, one doesn’t feel any physical attraction to wife, children, relatives and friends. One retains only compassion for them.
When the divine vision is attained, all appear equal; and there remains no distinction of good and bad, or of high and low.
Many good sayings are to be found in holy books, but merely reading them will not make one religious.
Only two kinds of people can attain self-knowledge: those who are not encumbered at all with learning,
All troubles come to an end when the ego dies
The young bamboo can be easily bent, but the full grown bamboo breaks when it is bent with force.
I have now come to a stage of realization in which I see that God is walking in every human form and manifesting Himself alike through the sage and the sinner
If diving once does not bring you pearls, you need not therefore conclude that the sea is without them.
First realise God, see Him by means of spiritual discipline. If He imparts power you can do good to others; otherwise not.
After that, what is the need of books? One should learn the essence and then dive deep in order to realize God.
A man is truly free, even here in this embodied state, if he knows that God is the true agent and he by himself is powerless to do anything.
The Hindus call it ‘jal’, the Christians ‘water’, and the Moslems ‘pani’. But it is one and the same thing.
Finish the few duties you have at hand, and then you will have peace.
Travel in all the four quarters of the earth, you will find nothing (no true religion) anywhere. Whatever there is, is only here (i .e . in one ‘s own heart.)
You should not feel that your path is the only right path and that other paths are wrong. You mustn’t bear malice toward others.