All will surely realize God. All will be liberated. It may be that some get their meal in the morning, some at noon, and some in the evening; but none will go without food.
RAMAKRISHNAThe sun can give heat and light to the whole world, but he cannot do so when the clouds shut out his rays. Similarly as long as egotism veils the heart, God cannot shine upon it.
More Ramakrishna Quotes
Different people call on [God] by different names: some as Allah, some as God, and others as Krishna, Siva, and Brahman. It is like the water in a lake.
Spirituality automatically leads to humility. When a flower develops into a fruit, the petals drop off on its own.
You speak of doing good to the world. Is the world such a small thing? And who are you, pray, to do good to the world?
So is the light Divine. It falls equally and impartially on all hearts, but the pure and pious hearts of holy men receive and reflect that light well.
He has not tasted the nectar of true faith; when he has tasted it, he becomes quiet and full of peace.
Why does God allow evil in the world? To thicken the plot.
If you meditate on your ideal, you will acquire its nature. If you think of God day and night, you will acquire the nature of God.
If there are errors in other religions, that is none of our business. God, to whom the world belongs, takes care of that.
The less your attachment is towards the senses, the more will be your love towards God .
This side is mine and that side is yours.’ He laughs and says to Himself, ‘The whole universe belongs to Me, but they say they own this portion or that portion.’it!’
The breeze of grace is always blowing; set your sail to catch that breeze.
Those whose spiritual awareness has been awakened never make a false move. They don’t have to avoid evil.
Common men talk bagfuls of religion but do not practise even a grain of it. The wise man speaks a little, even though his whole life is religion expressed in action.
We laugh at the efforts of the musk deer to find the source of the scent which comes from itself and despair at our efforts to find the peace which is our essence.
Wisdom leads to unity, but ignorance to separation. So long as God seems to be outside and far away, there is ignorance. But when God is realised within, that is true knowledge.