The ego is like the root of a banyan tree, you think you have removed it all then one fine morning you see a sprout flourishing again.
RAMAKRISHNAMen are like pillow-cases. The colour of one may be red, that of another blue, and that of the third black; but all contain the same cotton within.
More Ramakrishna Quotes
You can reach it by stone stairs or by wooden stairs or by bamboo steps or by a rope. You can also climb up by a bamboo pole.
One cannot be spiritual as long as one has shame, hatred, or fear.
Pray to God that your attachment to such transitory things as wealth, name, and creature comforts may become less and less every day.
One feels that way as long as this pot of ‘I’ exists. When the ‘I’ disappears, what is remains. That cannot be described in words.
The winds of God’s grace are always blowing, it is for us to raise our sails.
God in the form of the saint, God in the form of the sinner, God in the form of the righteous, God in the form of the unrighteous.
An ocean of bliss may rain down from the heavens, but if you hold up only a thimble, that is all you receive
If however, you once see your Divine Mother, you will not afterwards find pleasure in all these. Throwing them all aside, you will run to her.
As a piece of rope, when burnt, retains its form, but cannot serve to bind, so is the ego which is burnt by the fire of supreme Knowledge.
Sunlight is one and the same wherever it falls; but only a bright surface like that of water, or of a mirror reflects it fully.
The fool who repeats again and again: “I am bound, I am bound,” remains in bondage. He who repeats day and night: “I am a sinner, I am a sinner,” becomes a sinner indeed.
Little children play with dolls in the outer room just as they like, without any care of fear or restraint; but as soon as their mother comes in, they throw aside their dolls and run to her crying, “Mamma, mamma.
Do yourself what you wish others to do.
Different creeds are but different paths to reach the same God.
One must be very particular about telling the truth. Through truth one can realize God.