If however, you once see your Divine Mother, you will not afterwards find pleasure in all these. Throwing them all aside, you will run to her.
RAMAKRISHNAUnalloyed love of God is the essential thing. All else is unreal.
More Ramakrishna Quotes
Live in the world like a waterfowl. The water clings to the bird, but the bird shakes it off. Live in the world like a mudfish.
God in the form of the righteous, God in the form of the unrighteous.
The compassion that you see in the kindhearted is God’s compassion. He has given it to them to protect the helpless.
One must be very particular about telling the truth. Through truth one can realize God.
Imagine a limitless expanse of water: above and below, before and behind, right and left, everywhere there is water. In that water is placed a jar filled with water.
Bondage is of the mind; freedom too is of the mind. If you say ‘I am a free soul. I am a son of God who can bind me’ free you shall be.
Sunlight is one and the same wherever it falls; but only a bright surface like that of water, or of a mirror reflects it fully.
Have love for everyone, no one is other than you.
When one has love for God, one doesn’t feel any physical attraction to wife, children, relatives and friends. One retains only compassion for them.
Forgiveness is the true nature of the ascetic.
As a boy holding to a post or a pillar whirls about it with headlong speed without any fear or falling, so perform your worldly duties, fixing your hold firmly upon God, and you will be free from danger.
It is on account of the ego that one is not able to see God. In front of the door of God’s mansion lies the stump of ego.
Then hold fast to whichever faith appeals to you.
If you spent one-tenth of the time you devoted to distractions like chasing women or making money to spiritual practice, you would be enlightened in a few years.
Do not be small minded. Do not pray for gourds and pumpkins from God, when you should be asking for pure love and pure knowledge to dawn within every heart.