If you want to go east, don’t go west.
RAMAKRISHNAGreat men have the nature of a child.
More Ramakrishna Quotes
Different creeds are but different paths to reach the same God.
The ego is like the root of a banyan tree, you think you have removed it all then one fine morning you see a sprout flourishing again.
In the same way the pleasures of this world are very attractive in the beginning, but their consequences are terrible to contemplate and hard to endure.
The world is impermanent. One should constantly remember death.
One cannot attain divine knowledge till one gets rid of pride. Water does not stay on the top of a mound; but into low land it flows in torrents from all sides.
The compassion that you see in the kindhearted is God’s compassion. He has given it to them to protect the helpless.
Men are like pillow-cases. The colour of one may be red, that of another blue, and that of the third black; but all contain the same cotton within.
Little children play with dolls in the outer room just as they like, without any care of fear or restraint; but as soon as their mother comes in, they throw aside their dolls and run to her crying, “Mamma, mamma.
Through selfless work, love of God grows in heart.
Because of the pot the water appears to be divided into two parts; because of the pot you seem to perceive an inside and an outside.
You can reach it by stone stairs or by wooden stairs or by bamboo steps or by a rope. You can also climb up by a bamboo pole.
Make your meditation a continuous state of mind. A great worship is going on all the time, so nothing should be neglected or excluded from your constant meditative awareness.
More are the names of God and infinite are the forms through which He may be approached. In whatever name and form you worship Him, through them you will realise Him.
As a piece of rope, when burnt, retains its form, but cannot serve to bind, so is the ego which is burnt by the fire of supreme Knowledge.
There are three kinds of love; unselfish, mutual, and selfish. The unselfish love is of the highest kind; The lover only minds the welfare of the beloved and does not care for his own sufferings. .