The truth is that you cannot attain God if you have even a trace of desire. Subtle is the way of dharma.
RAMAKRISHNAThe world is indeed a mixture of truth and make-believe. Discard the make-believe and take the truth.
More Ramakrishna Quotes
If you meditate on your ideal, you will acquire its nature. If you think of God day and night, you will acquire the nature of God.
First realise God, see Him by means of spiritual discipline. If He imparts power you can do good to others; otherwise not.
Who is whose Guru? God alone is the guide and Guru of the universe.
They are so replete with love that whatever they do is a good action.
The fool who repeats again and again: “I am bound, I am bound,” remains in bondage. He who repeats day and night: “I am a sinner, I am a sinner,” becomes a sinner indeed.
A devotee who can call on God while living a householder’s life is a hero indeed. God thinks: ‘He is blessed indeed who prays to me in the midst of his worldly duties.
All religions are true. God can be reached by different religions. Many rivers flow by many ways but they fall into the sea. They all are one.
God, the true Philosopher’s Stone, Who answers every prayer, Lies hidden deep within your heart
It is easy to bend the young heart towards God, but the untrained heart of the old escapes the hold whenever it is so drawn.
Make your meditation a continuous state of mind. A great worship is going on all the time, so nothing should be neglected or excluded from your constant meditative awareness.
As a piece of rope, when burnt, retains its form, but cannot serve to bind, so is the ego which is burnt by the fire of supreme Knowledge.
Spirituality automatically leads to humility. When a flower develops into a fruit, the petals drop off on its own.
In mutual love the lover not only wants the happiness of his beloved; but has an eye towards his own happiness also.
But it is not sufficient to bind him again into the world.
It noiselessly drinks the nectar. So long as a man quarrels and disputes about doctrines and dogmas