Bondage is of the mind; freedom too is of the mind. If you say ‘I am a free soul. I am a son of God who can bind me’ free you shall be.
RAMAKRISHNAWhy does God allow evil in the world? To thicken the plot.
More Ramakrishna Quotes
That knowledge which purifies the mind and heart alone is true Knowledge, all else is only a negation of Knowledge.
So it is with man; one is beautiful, another is ugly, a third holy, and a fourth wicked; but the Divine Being dwells in them all.
He is trying to find me, overcoming a great obstacle – pushing away, as it were, a huge block of stone weighing a ton. Such a man is a real hero.
When the fruit appears the blossom drops off. Love of God is the fruit, and rituals are the blossom.
They are so replete with love that whatever they do is a good action.
Do not be small minded. Do not pray for gourds and pumpkins from God, when you should be asking for pure love and pure knowledge to dawn within every heart.
That is to say, whose minds are not over-crowded with thoughts borrowed from others; and those who, after studying all the scriptures and sciences, have come to realise that they know nothing.
Wisdom leads to unity, but ignorance to separation. So long as God seems to be outside and far away, there is ignorance. But when God is realised within, that is true knowledge.
Great men have the nature of a child.
Different people call on [God] by different names: some as Allah, some as God, and others as Krishna, Siva, and Brahman. It is like the water in a lake.
Try to cultivate love of God. You are born as a human being only to attain divine love.
The supreme purpose and goal for human life… is to cultivate love.
So long as one does not become simple like a child, one does not get divine illumination.
The ego is like the root of a banyan tree, you think you have removed it all then one fine morning you see a sprout flourishing again.
The fish lives in the mud, but its skin is always bright and shiny.