If a white cloth is stained even with a small spot, the stain appears very ugly indeed. So the smallest fault of a holy man becomes painfully prominent.
RAMAKRISHNAGod is in all men, but all men are not in God; that is why we suffer.
More Ramakrishna Quotes
The compassion that you see in the kindhearted is God’s compassion. He has given it to them to protect the helpless.
Wisdom leads to unity, but ignorance to separation. So long as God seems to be outside and far away, there is ignorance. But when God is realised within, that is true knowledge.
You speak of doing good to the world. Is the world such a small thing? And who are you, pray, to do good to the world?
Little children play with dolls in the outer room just as they like, without any care of fear or restraint; but as soon as their mother comes in, they throw aside their dolls and run to her crying, “Mamma, mamma.
When the fruit appears the blossom drops off. Love of God is the fruit, and rituals are the blossom.
A man is truly free, even here in this embodied state, if he knows that God is the true agent and he by himself is powerless to do anything.
One cannot attain divine knowledge till one gets rid of pride. Water does not stay on the top of a mound; but into low land it flows in torrents from all sides.
If there are errors in other religions, that is none of our business. God, to whom the world belongs, takes care of that.
Travel in all the four quarters of the earth, you will find nothing (no true religion) anywhere. Whatever there is, is only here (i .e . in one ‘s own heart.)
One should not think, ‘My religion alone is the right path and other religions are false.’ God can be realized by means of all paths.
The winds of grace blow all the time. All we need to do is set our sails.
He is trying to find me, overcoming a great obstacle – pushing away, as it were, a huge block of stone weighing a ton. Such a man is a real hero.
Forgiveness is the true nature of the ascetic.
The Bliss indeed is eternal, only it is covered and obscured by ignorance.
Who is whose Guru? God alone is the guide and Guru of the universe.