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  • Rachel McAdams Quote - There’s no one who’s ever been significantly in my life for whom I don’t have a sort of tenderness because they helped to shape who I am.
  • Rachel McAdams Quote - There’s no one who’s ever been significantly in my life for whom I don’t have a sort of tenderness because they helped to shape who I am.
  • Rachel McAdams Quote - There’s no one who’s ever been significantly in my life for whom I don’t have a sort of tenderness because they helped to shape who I am.
  • Rachel McAdams Quote - There’s no one who’s ever been significantly in my life for whom I don’t have a sort of tenderness because they helped to shape who I am.
  • Rachel McAdams Quote - There’s no one who’s ever been significantly in my life for whom I don’t have a sort of tenderness because they helped to shape who I am.
  • Rachel McAdams Quote - There’s no one who’s ever been significantly in my life for whom I don’t have a sort of tenderness because they helped to shape who I am.
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There’s no one who’s ever been significantly in my life for whom I don’t have a sort of tenderness because they helped to shape who I am.