If sex is everything then why are you so sad and lonely?
R. H. SINWeak men are afraid of a woman’s strength.
More R. H. Sin Quotes
Solitude is a deep romance with self.
R. H. SIN -
I seek the truth we’ve never been told.
R. H. SIN -
I was the ocean you wanted rivers; I was the moon you chased the stars.
R. H. SIN -
It’s weird because whenever we’re together heaven feels real to me.
R. H. SIN -
Just because she’s patient doesn’t mean you should make her wait.
R. H. SIN -
She was a beautiful savage.
R. H. SIN -
I lost myself in her eyes then found my future in her heart.
R. H. SIN -
One day you’ll grow tired of people who don’t love you back.
R. H. SIN -
The most dangerous woman of all is the one who refuses to rely on your sword to save her because she carries her own.
R. H. SIN -
These women are capable of walking away, and they will.
R. H. SIN -
Take chances, and love will find its way to you.
R. H. SIN -
Tell these girls they don’t need men to feel like woman.
R. H. SIN -
Your strength is your magic never lose it.
R. H. SIN -
I just wish to see you grow. I’m tired of seeing you stuck.
R. H. SIN -
Don’t make her think you care when you have never given a fuck about her.