She’s badass with a good heart, soft but strong. Unapologetic and honest. She’s the type of woman you go to war beside, the type of woman you marry.
R. H. SINGood woman don’t necessarily fall in love with good men.
More R. H. Sin Quotes
One day you’ll grow tired of people who don’t love you back.
R. H. SIN -
They name the most powerful storms after women for a reason.
R. H. SIN -
Weak men are afraid of a woman’s strength.
R. H. SIN -
My generation is filled with lovers who will never know the true meaning of love.
R. H. SIN -
Think peace but prepare your heart for war.
R. H. SIN -
He destroyed her wings then punished her for not knowing how to fly.
R. H. SIN -
She burned flames and drowned oceans.
R. H. SIN -
Good woman don’t necessarily fall in love with good men.
R. H. SIN -
She is strong but she is tired.
R. H. SIN -
Believing in him was the mistake that cost you so much of your life.
R. H. SIN -
Tell these girls they don’t need men to feel like woman.
R. H. SIN -
Master the morning and you will rule the day.
R. H. SIN -
I was the ocean you wanted rivers; I was the moon you chased the stars.
R. H. SIN -
Those broken girls have the deepest love.
R. H. SIN -
Take chances, and love will find its way to you.