Just because she’s patient doesn’t mean you should make her wait.
R. H. SINThe broken girls are the flowers of the earth they grow through tough conditions they bloom for themselves,
More R. H. Sin Quotes
Take chances, and love will find its way to you.
R. H. SIN -
We reach for hands unworthy of holding ours.
R. H. SIN -
She held madness like a flower.
R. H. SIN -
She’s badass with a good heart, soft but strong. Unapologetic and honest. She’s the type of woman you go to war beside, the type of woman you marry.
R. H. SIN -
Two damaged people trying to heal each other, is love.
R. H. SIN -
He destroyed her wings then punished her for not knowing how to fly.
R. H. SIN -
Any man who puts you in a position to lose you, will never be worthy of your energy, leave him.
R. H. SIN -
One day you’ll grow tired of people who don’t love you back.
R. H. SIN -
Smiling with sad eyes I’ve seen what you’ve been hiding.
R. H. SIN -
Solitude is a deep romance with self.
R. H. SIN -
The broken girls are the flowers of the earth they grow through tough conditions they bloom for themselves,
R. H. SIN -
She’s strong but she’s exhausted.
R. H. SIN -
Don’t make her think you care when you have never given a fuck about her.
R. H. SIN -
Who were you before the aches of a broken heart? Who were you before the world decided to tear you apart?
R. H. SIN -
She was a beautiful savage.