I believe it’s important that we ensure that the police have a modern and flexible workforce. I think that’s what is necessary, so that they can provide the public with the service that they want.
As I’ve said previously as home secretary, dealing with immigration isn’t just a single issue and a single measure and a single step that you take. You’ve got to keep working at that over time.
The Government has already U-turned today and I think the pressure is clearly growing for proper accountability over what this Government’s negotiating position is on Brexit.
I take a very simple view that a violent extremist at some point previously been an extremist, and by definition is an extremist, so you do need to look at that non-violent extremism.
What happened in the United States election is not a matter for the United Kingdom, it is a matter for the United States and the United States authorities.
Well can I just make a point about the numbers because people talk a lot about police numbers as if police numbers are the holy grail. But actually what matters is what those police are doing. It’s about how those police are deployed.
Dealing with a simple burglary can require 1000 process steps and 70 forms to be completed as a case goes through the Criminal Justice System. That can’t be right.
Any attempt to wriggle, especially from leadership candidates who campaigned to leave the EU by focusing on immigration, will be unacceptable to the public.
People have to make journeys, what we want is people to have alternatives in public transport so that they can make a choice about the sort of way in which they’re going to travel.