How unfair the fate which ordains that those who have the least should be always adding to the treasury of the wealthy. TERENCE TreasureUnfairWealth
There is nothing so easy but that it becomes difficult when you do it reluctantly. TERENCE DifficultEasyYourself
The life of man is like a game with dice; if you don’t get the throw you want, you must show your skill in making the best of the throw you get. TERENCE BestGameLifeManSkillsThrowYourself
Children should be led into the right paths, not by severity, but by persuasion. TERENCE ChildrenPersuadeRight
When the mind is in a state of uncertainty the smallest impulse directs it to either side. TERENCE DirectionMindsetSideSmallStateUncertain
We should look at the lives of all as at a mirror, and take from others an example for ourselves. TERENCE ExampleLiveMirrorOurselves
You can take a chance with any man who pays his bills on time. TERENCE ChanceHimselfManPayRelationshipTime
It is the common vice of all, in old age, to be too intent upon our interests. TERENCE AgeCommonInterestOldVice
While the mind is in doubt, it is driven this way and that by a slight impulse. TERENCE DoubtDriveImpulseMindset