Punishment [by Nero] was inflicted on the Christians, a class of men given to a new and mischievous superstition. SUETONIUS InflictManPunishmentSuperstition
General Quotations about Evenings Let us add this one more night to our lives. SUETONIUS GeneralLiveNightOneself
Few of Caesar’s assassins outlived him by more than three years, or died in their beds. SUETONIUS AssassinateBedDeath
These things by reason of our friendship I have not hesitated glo to communicate. SUETONIUS CommunicationFriendshipHesitateMyselfReason
Again, during a sacrifice, the augur Spurinna warned Caesar that the danger threatening him would not come later than the Ides of March. SUETONIUS DangerousIdeasSacrificeThreat
If you did not know at age five that the gods are made up beings and the myths made up stories, you are a fool. SUETONIUS FoolsGodKnownMythStoryYourself
He [Caesar Augustus] found a city built of brick; he left it built of marble. SUETONIUS BuiltFindingHimself