When I step forward on the floor, I have the confidence that I’m the best player playing that night and that I am the most prepared at what I need to be doing.
For me, I don’t want to cheat the game by saying, or kind of doing lip service by saying, I want to be the greatest ever. I want to be able to show it.
I’ve been blessed in that regard through and through. So I’m just thankful for this opportunity to play the game that I love and share that with the world.
I am pretty chill before games. Have a go-to routine that keeps me busy until we are ready to take the court so I’m not just sitting around anxious for the game.
You have so much fun playing games. We all love basketball, so we never want the season to end, ’cause then it’s five months of sitting around and watching the playoffs.
I know the blessing of having a dad who played 16 years in the league. That experience, and seeing him as an example, let me know that it’s possible. It’s not easy, but it’s possible.
With the NBA’s dress code, I had to revamp my wardrobe a little bit. They call it ‘business casual.’ You have to wear dress jeans or dress slacks, with a collared shirt or sweater. And you can’t wear athletic shoes.
We knew sports was important to us and our family, but there are priorities in life.Obviously, faith is foremost; how we did in school is important. If we didn’t handle that business then there were no privileges.
Sometimes people make it seem like you have to have certain prerequisites or a crazy life story in order to be successful in this world. But the truth is you really don’t.
I am not a BART regular but have taken it probably five times to and from the city with some of my teammates. Nice to just hop on the train and enjoy some of the views of the Bay Area while I’m out.