Historically in every recovery, because the president rightly did inherit a recession. But historically, the lagging indicator always deals with employment.
Democrats, the mainstream media, Hollywood elites are so out of touch when it comes to keeping you, the American people, safe from radical Islamic terrorism, and they are willing to gamble with your life.
Bill Clinton was doing Ku Klux Klan grand kleagel jokes at Byrd’s funeral, saying, Oh, Robert C. Byrd, he used the – he was the grand kleagel. He just did what he had to do.
If President Obama wants to keep calling for protests, then that will be his legacy, one of division, rich versus poor, old versus young, black versus white, always dividing. That’s what you get under President Obama.
Senator Cruz has also strongly condemned the terrorist attacks in Brussels, and yesterday put out this statement saying, quote, “that we need to empower law enforcement to patrol and secure Muslim neighborhoods before they become radicalized”.
One of the best lessons I learned early is that not everything in life is about you. It is about service. If you want trips and excessive gifts, then don’t get into public service.
What I’m saying is that until somebody steps up and actually has a forceful attack on Donald Trump and actually takes him down a notch, Donald Trump is just going to keep plowing through.
The Democratic Party is the – was the largest and most powerful institution supporting slavery in the English-speaking world. And it is the only one that has survived to the 21st century!