When diving to attack always leave a proportion of your formation above to act as top guard. SAILOR MALAN AboveAttackAviationDivingFormationGuardLeaveProportionTop
Have both hands on the stick; concentrate on your ring sight. SAILOR MALAN Both HandConcentrateRingSightStick
Never fly straight and level for more than 30 seconds in the combat area. SAILOR MALAN AreaAviationCombatFlyLevelSecondStraight
Always keep a sharp lookout. “Keep your finger out”! SAILOR MALAN AviationCombatFingerKeepLookoutSharp
Initiative, Aggression, Air Discipline, And Team Work Are Words That Mean Something In Air Fighting. SAILOR MALAN AggressionDisciplineFightingInitiativeMeanSomethingTeamWord
Fire short bursts of 1 to 2 seconds and only when your sights are definitely ‘ON.’ SAILOR MALAN AviationBurstDefinitelyFireOnSecondSight
Make your decisions promptly. It is better to act quickly even though your tactics are not the best. SAILOR MALAN ActAviationBestBetterDecisionPromptlyQuicklyTactic
Whilst shooting think of nothing else; brace the whole of the body SAILOR MALAN BodyBraceElseHandNothingSightThinkingWhole